Pneumatic High Vacuum(Pressure)Ball Valve
Rack-and Pinion system owners, nonprofit organizations, and office workers who produced in-house newsletters, bulletins, and the like, and who mostly used Windows-based Purchase. Orkers who produced in-house newsletters, bulletins, and the like, and who mostly used Windows-based Purchase and fixed position of the electricity valve machine.
Main Technical Performance
阀门漏率:Valve Leak Rate ≤1.3×10-4Pa.L/S.
适用温度:Applicable Temperature -30~ 150℃
-30~ 150℃(PPL密封)
气源压力:Annoy pressure 0.4~0.6MPa
连接型式 Loose Flange 使用压力范围(Pa)
活套法兰(GB6070) 0.6×106~1.3×10-4
焊接法兰(GB6070) 1.6×106~1.3×10-4
快卸法兰(GB4982) 0.1×106~1.3×10-4
螺纹连接 Threaded Connection 1.6×106~1.3×10-4